Hear from our people

Jon Graham

On their first 30 days with Attain

Photo of Jon Graham

Tell us a little bit about yourself

In my previous role as Workforce Planning Manager with Virgin Care, my role was to be the subject matter expert in the implementation of e-rostering and workforce improvements across their multi geographical and service type NHS partnership portfolio. Prior to that I worked with Bupa UK, and before that The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust. My main roles were focusing on the implementation and improvement of the e-rostering solutions, aligning the systems with corporate, national and trust workforce strategies.  My main areas of focus were the reduction in Agency staff reliance by means of the increase of substantive and bank staff utilisation. In addition to this the integration and deployment of Clinical Activity Management and eJob planning, which provided an organisational level digital map of clinical activity. Outside of working hours, much of my down time is spent coaching, playing, and watching Rugby. With time spent gardening, tending my Koi Pond, and largely enjoying the glorious Suffolk and Norfolk countryside with my family and two dogs.

How have your first 30 days been at Attain?

My first 30 days have been thoroughly brilliant. Having felt immediately welcomed to the team, I have been unbelievably overwhelmed by the offers of support and care taken by all to make sure I was comfortable in my new role, both before, and during my onboarding and induction periods. This has been the most bizarre recruitment process I have ever taken part in, not because of the process itself, but because it happened during the pandemic and was conducted 100% virtually. The team have adapted well to these strange times and made me feel at ease and comfortable throughout the whole process. I am looking forward to finally meeting them all in person very soon.  A wide-ranging and comprehensive induction schedule has been created by Attain, making the virtual onboarding process a pleasure. I believe that I have been able to meet a lot more of the team because of the virtual approach. I have enjoyed learning, not just about the organisation, but the individual team members and their particular areas of expertise. Their pure passion for healthcare is evidently shared by all and demonstrated in everything they do.

What attracted you to Attain?

During my recruitment I was thoroughly impressed by the values demonstrated in all of our interactions. It was patently obvious that Attain truly believe in their values right from the start, and their commitment to healthcare improvement is evident in the results they deliver. To have the opportunity to work alongside, learn and be part of such a passionate, skilled, and dedicated team was an opportunity that I couldn’t refuse.

What’s the best thing about being employed with Attain?

Over the last 30 days, I would have to say the support and welcoming nature of everybody that I have had the pleasure to meet and collaborate with. It’s clear that everybody is an expert in their fields, I can honestly say I have never had the pleasure of working in such an encouraging and supportive environment where everybody is so passionate and willing to help.

What do you hope the future brings for you with Attain?

I have just started my first project which will see the delivery of a workforce review dashboard to a mental health ICS. This will bring me new challenges, and I am really looking forward to them. I hope that my future with Attain will continue to challenge me,  offer further opportunities to learn and develop my career, whilst offering me the chance to contribute to the continued improvement of healthcare provision in the United Kingdom.